INTERSTELLAR LIFE 8 - LIFE ONBOARD THE STARSHIP - ANEEKA OF TEMMER Published 18 December 2024 by Cosmic Agency, Gosia Originally in English - 2019 Gosia: Swaruu, if we went up there and got our rooms on the ship, could we decorate them as we want with replicators? Swaruu (9): There is a limit to that. They are not like flat walls like yours. They have removable panels and they already have a design. Just whatever lends itself at the time. It's not like decorating a whole flat, you can't do that. Not because it is not allowed but because of the design of the walls and floor itself. Gosia: I didn't think to paint it. I am talking about objects to decorate, furniture. Can it be replicated? Swaruu (9): Yes. That you can. Just that, for example, on the walls there are panels. In my case, they are light titanium color about a meter high. Then it's another meter and a half carbon black and then titanium again up to the ceiling. The wall itself is a removable panel and inside are shelves and boxes to store your stuff. So, it's not like you can fill it with pictures because you'd have to remove them every time you want to get something out. And putting nails in, hahaha, good luck with that. Gosia: But some fabrics can be put maybe? I like to decorate with fabrics or curtains. Some interesting lamps? Swaruu (9): You could put curtains. The problem is how to fix it to the wall. Gosia: I'll find a way hahaha. With tape. I do all kinds of things like that. And can you have ambient lights? Swaruu (9): Yes, that's no problem. In fact, that's how Anéeka has it. She has I don't know what ball of colored lights for her dances, she has it like coming out of her wall. Gosia: Ok good! And if I want to have some other armchairs...I can look on the internet and replicate? Swaruu (9): Yes, the armchairs, that's easy. Gosia: And replicator machine... do you only have one? Or each person has their own? Swaruu (9): No, the replicators are part of the engineering of a ship. You can have small ones but big and complete ones work better. Gosia: I will also replicate sheets and all that. Swaruu (9): It is not necessary. There are plenty of sheets here. 2019 Gosia: Are you in your room now? Swaruu (9): It's not just a room, it's like a little flat, several rooms, well, two rooms and a large bathroom with a walk-in large closet. Gosia: You mean inside the Suzy? Swaruu (9): No, this is Toleka. In Suzy, my room is small. There are many flats like this one empty here now. Also smaller ones. Gosia: Ok. And... if I was up there and stayed in there all day, that´s ok? No one will be coming to get me? You respect people´s personal time or there is always someone knocking on your door? Should I put "do not disturb" sign on the doorknob or what is the etiquette? Swaruu (9): No one will come for you unless you ask for it. Or if you are expected somewhere else. Gosia: There is the intercom, right? Swaruu (9): Right. Right on your bed headrest. In the smaller rooms, you have the controls around your bed. It's nice here. Very quiet as well. Gosia: And all rooms have windows out? Swaruu (9): Yes, all of them have windows. In here, it feels like a little flat, hardly reminding you that you are inside a ship. But when there are 1800 on board, only the high command gets these large flats. The main officers at least. Gosia: And what kind of music equipment you got inside the rooms? Do you use speakers or do you have something else? Swaruu (9): We have speakers but they are not like yours. Here they are just metal rings with magnets in them, very slim ones. So the speakers are just metal rings like one and a half feet wide. The sound equipment is inbuilt with the ship's computer. Unless you are a sound fanatic and you have a personalized, or special one, like Anéeka has. I play everything on them. The sound is perfect, 0 distortions as they don't have a diaphragm. ANOTHER CHAT (ex-contactees) - Originally in Spanish - 2020 Interviewer: And from orbit do you perceive time differently, even though you synchronize with Earth time? Anéeka: When we were in high orbit, there was a big difference. Everything went slower for us and it was irritating to work like that. It was almost impossible to synchronize with someone there. The difference was almost 20 minutes per day. Here, in low orbit, it's only five minutes per day. That is, my days here last 24 hours and five minutes, plus a few seconds, which is nice with no major problems. Just today I was synchronizing everything again since I didn't do it yesterday and was almost 11 minutes behind. The time slip is not a rare thing even for NASA. Spacecraft in orbit get out of sync and it is a problem for mission control. I mean, it is empirical, it is lived and felt day by day, but it depends on many things why it happens. Time is not something, but only the perception of those who experience it, so it depends on what those who calculate time are seeing and living. In the case of a planet, it is the average or dominant frequency of that place. That is, the average of how people are, their level of consciousness, being that the higher their level of consciousness, the faster time will pass for them relative to someone else, because the frequency is higher. The vibratory frequency of the matter that makes up an existential density. As explained in the videos, it has to do with the amount of data a person can process and incorporate into their being. This may explain why an adult's time passes more quickly than a child's. Interviewer: But then, knowing that you process much more information, shouldn't you be five minutes ahead instead of five minutes behind? Anéeka: What happens here also is that we are synchronized with the Earth, looking at things from the Earth, and although we are not there physically, we are there mentally, since we spend time on the web, and even watching your movies and listening to your music. Well, that's what we are here for, right? Yes, at first glance you would think it would be the other way around, but as you incorporate more, in ways that I don't understand, everything slows down here, perhaps because of an effect of time being plastic. However, with children, as a reference, time does speed up when they are adults, both being on Earth. The one who understands this best is Yazhi. I remembered something else. If the data are processed consciously, the more they are, the more they will end up overwhelming the person, making their sense of time accelerate because they are overwhelmed by so much stimulus. But if this data processing becomes part of the person from the unconscious, which is where reality is generated, then the person will tend to seek inner peace so as not to enter the cycle of stress and become overwhelmed. However, he or she is able to process a lot of information, be it mostly unconscious and consciously. Does it make more sense explained in this way? This last explanation is from Yazhi. I remembered it just now. Then, you also have to consider that it is not that life on Taygeta is too slow, but that there is too much stress on Earth, and that is where everything moves too fast. This explains why not many people from Taygeta wish to come here, leaving this kind of missions on Earth to those called young and idealistic. Interviewer: How do you manage the day in orbit, the day hours and the night schedules? Anéeka: We have two shifts. On the bridge, for example, first Eridania and then Alenym. At my station, though, I don't have anyone to fill in for me because I always need my whole team. So we don't do shifts here, only rest when someone is already falling down. But since we are very few people here, we all do everything we can, and we don't have day and night because the ship orbits the Earth every 164 minutes, so we see a sunset or a sunrise every 82 minutes. So, depending on the shifts we follow our own internal schedule. What our body dictates us when to rest. Interviewer: Wow. Here, sunrises and sunsets are very much appreciated, but I'm sure you're tired of it already. Anéeka: No, it is always very beautiful. It's different every time. For example, last time I saw the sun rise, I could see the layer of the atmosphere with clouds and the sun reflecting on the Pacific Ocean. Or, from here, I can see the sands of the Sahara in full sun. But I look ahead and I can see a thunderstorm at night already over Nepal and India. And twilight over Arabia. All in the same scene. Nai'Shara: It's a beautiful view. Better that than being in deep space. Anéeka: Yes, in high orbit. In deep space, at three quarters of a million km, it's just eternal blackness and the Earth looks like a pea at arm's length distance. The sun shines clear, but it just looks like a very bright spot, although it doesn't light up around you or hardly at all because it doesn't have the reflection effect it has near or on Earth. And it looks white, not yellow. That's why Nai'Shara says we prefer to be in low orbit here. Alenym: It psychologically affects you to be away from any planet. Being that the ship is all that exists for you. Nai’Shara: Yes, it ends up affecting you emotionally. Anéeka: Yes, it causes you a lot of psychological stress. Interviewer: And don't you get used to it over time? Anéeka: Yes, you get used to it, but never really. Knowing that only a wall separates you from nothingness, from millions and millions of miles of nothingness. Alenym: I understand your expression, Anéeka, just that after the wall, there are still the shields of the ship. Anéeka: Sure, but since you can't see them, that's how you feel it psychologically. Alenym: Yes. Only a force field that protects it. Anéeka: The first year of ship life is the hardest. But you never quite get used to it. For example, even today my room faces the Earth, but it's not below us like it is towards the ship's floor, it's sideways. That is to say, we see the Earth when we open the window and I get very dizzy. I feel like I'm going to fall, it makes me dizzy. Alenym: It's curious that I don't have that. Anéeka: Yes, to the extent that sometimes I prefer to have my window closed. When you are in a small transport ship approaching this one, here in low orbit, I really can't believe that such a big piece of metal doesn't fall towards Earth. Several million tons of titanium and steel floating. Nothing else. In the case of airplanes, only the air pressure differential between the top of the wing and the bottom prevents it from falling. In a spaceship, you have many systems that help, but in that case the gravity canceling is the one to use. And I still can't get over the vertigo I felt when I first got here. Looking at the Earth from here gives me vertigo, I feel like I'm going to fall. My window is facing the Earth, to my left, but the spacecraft is not in line with the ground. That is, I see the Earth from the side. I don't know if I'm making myself clear. I look down and it is not towards the Earth. Down is, in this case, to my side, like a palette passing outside my window with the continents, the clouds, the seas. That is to say, from the Earth, directly upwards, if you were to see the ship, you would not see the belly of the ship, that is, the bottom, but you would see the left side of the ship. We are only 500 km away. Little more, little less. It's nothing, really. Interviewer: At what temperature are you in the ship, do you have heating throughout the ship? Anéeka: Yes, it's an integral climate system. I mean the whole atmosphere and the temperature inside is computer controlled. However, logically, the ventilation has to go through ducts with filters and sometimes they get clogged. Some are self-cleaning and some are not, but in a spacecraft the cold is not so much a problem, it is the heat. In the rooms, the temperature is optional, in the rest of the ship it is about 21 degrees. Interviewer: So the ship simulates half night and half day? Anéeka: Only night is simulated, but it does have an effect on our rhythms. The lights in the large living areas and in the corridors turn dark blue and on the speakers we hear sounds of crickets, soft wind through leaves and an occasional frog. That's in the center of the common area because there is a fountain to add to the ambience. Yes, it gives you the feeling of the night. Where this never happens is in the bridge or hangar area, where there are lights and people on duty all the time. It happens sometimes that, while you are sleeping, they start the main engines to make a burn or an orbit correction, and you can hear it. ANOTHER CHAT - Originally in Spanish - 2019 Robert: And what do you do for gravity so you're not floating around the ship? Do you have any kind of cancellers or things like that? Anéeka: It is a high frequency electromagnetic flow from a generator with one polarity above you and the other below, creating a steady flow or current that pushes you towards the ground. It is a gravity generator. Emulator, it's not really gravity. It's a magnetic flux at high frequency. We don't use, for example, centrifugal force to generate gravity. It's simpler with an electromagnetic flux at specific frequency. Robert: And does that high frequency magnetic flux influence your “electronic” devices? There are no interferences? Are the cats well? 1. Anéeka: Its frequency is very high so it does not influence negatively neither biological organisms nor electronics. As it is very high frequency, there are not many forms of interference. The image is a spacecraft centrifugal force gravity module that we do NOT use. The gravity here is set to 80% of Earth's gravity. Or at 100% Erra or Temmer. 0.8g. Robert: We would feel lighter then. As if we weighed less. Anéeka: That's right. It is the correct gravity for bodies of Lyrian origin. The Earth has too much of it, it is not comfortable. The amount of gravity a planet has does not depend on the mass, it is related, but it depends on other factors. Like the complexity of the planet itself. It has to do with its harmonics of its frequency, not so much with the mass itself. There are small planets with more gravity than others bigger than them. Robert: So, in other words, a planet can be bigger but have less gravity? Wow. How interesting. Anéeka: Yes. Robert: I thought it was volume related. And I see it's not. Anéeka: It goes hand in hand, but it is not all that causes so-called gravity. Generally, one with more mass will tend to have more of it. But not always. Robert: Also logical, depending on the mineral composition of the planets. A steel sphere is not the same as a cardboard sphere. Anéeka: Yes, although that's mass again. It's the same as with a spaceship in hyperspace. There are no distances, only energetic directions in a field that is the ether. So a concordant signal passed through hyperspace with Muon transmission technology can pass the signal from the immersion pod computer in Toleka City in Temmer to anywhere in the universe equally. The signal from the pod is energetically sent by continuous Muons and will only affect a brain that is concordant with the signal, no matter where it is. That is, from the point of view of these Muon signals, there are no distances and it makes no difference whether a person is in immersion right at the pod or 440 light years away. Just as it is the same for a ship to jump from any point in the known and mapped universe to another. Robert: Ok. Yes. And back to the ship, do you use electricity as we know it? Or is that the closest word to make us understand? Anéeka: Yes. Electricity is used for everything. There's just one big difference. The transmission is mostly wireless, aerial. The wires are made of crystalline gold. That is, they are made of pure gold with the molecules aligned as perfect crystals, thus having a superconducting material at room temperature. Robert: Wires as thick as hair? Anéeka: Of various thicknesses, but even hair-thick ones can carry very high amounts of volts and amperes without even heating up. Robert: Wow. And do you guys have inside the ship like some sort of “computer” network? An intranet, to use Earth words? Anéeka: Yes, of course. The ship's AI is present throughout the ship, every corridor, every room, even the broom room has its AI terminal. The corridors at the end have an interactive screen. The same goes for the elevators that, as I said, not only go down and up, but sideways as well. Using transport tubes throughout the ship. Robert: Horizontal, like Maglev. Anéeka: With Maglev technology, without wheels, yes. With inertia cancellers so it only takes seconds to go from the bridge to the engine room, almost two kilometers back. Robert: You could say the ship is like a small city? Anéeka: Yes, that's right, like a small town. Robert: But, Anéeka, do you exercise? Don't you take walks? Anéeka: Not since I stopped dancing. Walks yes but few, there is nowhere to go. Robert: And why did you stop dancing? Anéeka: Because I haven't been feeling very well with everything that's been going on. The truth is that it does affect my mood. Always something lowering my spirits. You can't work like that.