ILLUMINATI SYMBOLOGY - ITS ORIGIN AND MEANING Published 30 April 2021 by Pleiadian Knowledge, Cristina & Estella Estel·la: Hello everyone, welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I am Estel·la. In this video we are going to talk about the symbolism used or stolen by the Illuminati, that surrounds us everywhere, and many times, we do not know its meaning or what they are actually referring to. We are going to focus on 3 today: the illuminati eye, the cube, and the elongated skulls. So,let’s start. ILLUMINATI EYE: *Pictures not supported* The illuminati eye, is very present in our society, infiltrated everywhere, as we have treated more deeply in other videos: as in the dollar bill, in the film industry, music, on celebrities who end up being part of the mind control and manipulation of the masses: whether they are activists, actors, musicians, even politicians, the pope and a great etcetera. This eye is also referred to as the all-seeing eye, and many researchers cite that it is a way of reminding the population that they are being watched and controlled. Sometimes it is also used for the same purpose the eye of Horus, why? According to our mythology, Horus was the son of Osiris, a mythical god and king of Ancient Egypt. According to Egyptian mythology, he was the inventor of agriculture and religion. His condition was as funerary god and judge of souls. However, his association with the Nile floods and, therefore, as the god of fertility, gained prominence, thus increasing his popularity among the Nile population. Osiris was killed by his own brother Seth. Horus faced Seth, to avenge his father. In the course of these struggles Horus lost his eye. But, thanks to the intervention of Thoth, the god of wisdom, the eye of Horus was replaced by the Udyat, so that the god could regain his sight. This eye was special and had magical qualities. First time used as a magical amulet when Horus used it to bring Osiris back to life. It enjoyed great popularity in Ancient Egypt, being considered one of the most powerful amulets: it enhanced sight, protected and remedied eye diseases, counteracted the effects of the “evil eye” and, in addition, protected the deceased. As a talisman it symbolizes health, prosperity, the indestructibility of the body and the ability to be reborn. We also found that each of the 6 pieces that make up the eye of Horus represent a sense and a fraction: 
In addition to being divided into fractions, it was also used to calculate and define the measurements of its pigments and medicine. Estel·la: But as we already know, most of the information or just all of it that gets to us is manipulated, depending on the interests they have. So now we are going to see and compare it with the information given to us about this topic, by Yázhi Swaruú. INFORMATION BY YAZHÍ SWARUÚ: Osiris was not human, he was Taygetean. Osiris, means something like where it resides or where it is or where the eye sits. Concerning Horus. From where comes the symbol of the Eye of Horus, kidnapped by the Illuminati, it’s not theirs. The Illuminati, the Cabal, and therefore the foundations of modern terrestrial civilization, are all born in Egypt. Everything is based in Egypt, but for their reasons of control, the Cabal hides and denies everything, when they themselves know it and use it. As with anyone, Osiris has taken several names throughout history, most of them lost. Known as the giver of agriculture, it goes back to the presence of those mysterious bags present in the Anunnaki, the Babylonian Sumerians, Giants of Tula in the New World, among other places such as Tihuanaco Peru.   *Pictures not supported* The one who gave agriculture, the one who taught how to use the floodwaters of the Nile, the fertile lands of its banks. When the waters dropped in level, and the inhabitants of the Earth began to settle, the influence of the Federation began with the construction of a star base around where there was already a previous one, destroyed by the cataclysm: Giza and its Dumbs.   This is where Giza with its pyramids as an energy source, began as an interstellar base for the region. And its non-human population, full of technology and advanced knowledge, began to be taken as gods. And from this point are born what are called the Egyptian mythologies: Osiris, Isis / Ishtar, Horus/Seth... among others. Regional names for non-human beings. Present on Earth with the idea of ​​guiding the population out of the lunar 3D, raising consciences, being the forerunners of sowing new advanced cultures, both in ethics and technology. And from this point is born what will later be considered pre-dynastic Egypt.  Horus it’s not that it had a hawk head, but had properties of a hawk, because it knew how to fly.   *Pictures not supported* Even this, the Eye of Horus is a low-orbiting ship. Looks and sees from the sky. The spiral line is its trajectory and indicates that it came through a portal. At front, the tear going down is a scepter to hold it, with the hand, it indicates who has that ability. The eyebrow is like a wave, it indicates that comes from the “waters above”, space. And with this I comment to you, I myself from below here I see that point, because I realize every time the Taygeteans ship passes above me. And I know they are watching me. They watch me from the sky. Eye in the sky. *Pictures not supported* The Taygetean ship has a “boom” or a long, thick antenna in front, with many sensors of all kinds. Among them they have cameras, some with lenses of 2 meters in diameter. They can read a newspaper from above and more. That is the eye in the sky. And the concept is pre-dynastic Egyptian, Federation. Since then, the aliens of whatever races are watching from the sky. They observe as a scientist observes an anthill. But the Illuminati, the Cabal kidnapped this, as a symbol of power over the human population. The symbol does not belong to them.      THE CUBE: One of the most used symbols in our society is the cube, especially its black version. This symbolism can be found in all aspects of our society, from religion to culture. In religion its use is well known in Muslim and Jewish traditions. The Kaaba of Mecca is one of the best-known representations of this cube, and it represents no less than the most important holy place in Islam. *Pictures not supported* In the case of the Jews, we speak of the Phylactery, also known as Tefillin. *Pictures not supported* We could even see how an unfolded cube is transformed into a cross, like the one used in Christianity. *Pictures not supported* In Christianity it is possible to find several references to the cube as in the famous passages of the Celestial Jerusalem (New Jerusalem) of the Book of Revelation. *Pictures not supported* We can see the black cube in places like the prayer room of the United Nations. *Pictures not supported*   
In the 9/11 Memorial we also have a representation of a cube, or rather the absence of it, as it is like the missing piece to fill the cubic hole that seems to pay a kind of homage to the 9/11 attack. *Pictures not supported* We can see the cube in a sculpture of the Satanic temple in the city of Belle Plain in Minnesota, with an inverted pentagram and an upside-down hat. *Pictures not supported* Likewise, we can find this type of cubes in many cities around the world, as in New York itself, with sculptures of this form on the street. Satanic cube next to the Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank. *Pictures not supported* Of course, in the cinema and in music, we can find several references to this object, with different colours and shapes at times. Clear examples can be found in films such as 2001 A Space Odyssey, Cube, Transformers, Hellraiser and many others. In paintings, or art cataloged as surreal: like in this piece by Bridget Bate Tichenor or the satanic Gloria Vanderbilt and her pieces of “art”. *Pictures not supported* Even on Saturn. As a cult to the black sun. Saturn has six rings, NASA takes pictures of Saturn forming a 6-sided hexagonal cloud at its north pole. We already know that all public NASA images are nothing more than Photoshop. *Pictures not supported* There are many of the music performances where this symbolism is found, in Beyoncé Formation world tour, in the video clip of Eminem: Rap God , in the song of Hostage by Billi Eilish . *Pictures not supported* In sports, for example, it would be interesting to analyze boxing. Boxing originated in Egypt and was systematized to animalize people in the British-England Corporation. It is practiced in a cube, with degrees and references to the Masons. INFORMATION BY YÁZHI SWARUÚ:   Adoration of the negatives to the number 666. Since 666 is the base of the cube. That is to say, worship to portals. Something that is neither good nor bad, turned into adoration and worship, for the portals on Saturn, mainly.       Estel·la: As you already know, the regressive races, or in this case reptilians, used the portals on Saturn a lot to get to here and out, for traffic with the Lyrian races and other goods until the Federation controlled the traffic and closed electromagnetically the planet.   ELONGATED SKULLS: 
Estel·la: Another aspect that we would like to comment on would be that of these curious customs or outfits that remind us of the skulls that have been found in different parts of the world, which are characterized by being more elongated. It could be seen for example in the Catholic Church, or in Egypt. *Pictures not supported*   It is known that there are more than two hundred elongated head skulls discovered in excavations in different parts of the world, although it is also true that little research is carried out in relation to the number of appearances. Archaeologists only say that they are products of artificial cranial deformation, that it was to differentiate people from their social status and it was something cultural, and there are some that may be showing evidence of these practices, but in fact, there are also many examples that are not. In addition, these skulls generally have greater cranial capacity, something that a simple deformation does not produce. *Pictures not supported* The ones that we can perhaps say are best known are those of Paracas, Peru, and has already been shown that its DNA does not fit with ours. But they have also been found in Mexico, in China, also where as a curiosity they have this divinity Shou Lao of longevity, with the characteristic of the elongated head. In Egypt many kings of the first dynasties are also represented like this. *Pictures not supported* It has been called as the Man of Boskop, a series of fossils found in southern Africa, that are thought to correspond to a species related to us but which has some differences, such as a skull that could have been 30% larger than the ours. The first findings of the Man of Boskop were performed in 1913. *Pictures not supported* Estel·la: In fact, it is something said a lot here, that we are dominated by this race called Homo Capensis, since there is evidence that shows that they were more technologically and intellectually advanced, with humans being their cattle or slaves. *Pictures not supported* For example, I don't know if you heard about Karen Hudes, she graduated from Yale Law School and worked in the legal department of the World Bank for 20 years as Senior Legal Counsel. During all that time, she gained enough information to form a global vision of how the elite rules the world. She was dismissed from her position, due to the complaints she made about the corruption that exists within the World Bank. And she says: “The global financial elite is using a hermetic core of financial institutions and mega-corporations that dominate the planet. The goal is to control and enslave humanity through debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the gigantic financial contributions that they channel in their electoral campaigns. Since the elite also own all the major media outlets, these media will never reveal the secret that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way the system works." But she goes further in her denunciations by adding that: “This financial elite is in turn controlled by another non-human species, called Homo Capensis. This is another species that inhabits the planet, it is not human and has governed us since before the Ice Age. This race is not extra-terrestrial, but another different species, with a high technological development, with a high IQ, lacking in creative and emotional capacity." “They are very different from Homo Sapiens. Their DNA is so different that if the two species mated, their offspring would be sterile, and we know this because their DNA has been checked. There are skulls on Earth everywhere, because they have been among us, but after the Ice Age, there were not many of them left, so they have been hiding, and one of the places that have been hiding is in The Vatican. That is why the Vatican is wearing those mitres. It turns out that it is also what the high priests used in early Judaism... Not only is Homo Capensis trying to keep human beings under the rule control of divide and conquer, using our money system, but they have also been doing this with our religions, organized religions, trying to get human beings to hate people of different religious beliefs in a way that they annihilate each other, so they could stay on the back of manipulating human beings, what can I say? Using us as cattle. That is what has been happening throughout our history. "   Estel·la: Now I'm going to leave you with a fragment of the documentary “Above Magestic: the implication of a secret space program.” I found it very interesting, and you will see how they explain to us, how and where their genetics have been maintained throughout our society.  (Documentary fragment...) Now let's see what Yázhi Swaruú told us about this.   INFORMATION BY YÁZHI SWARUÚ:   They are cataloged as Homo Capensis , and are mostly known on Earth as Elohi (Not Elohim). They come from Asterope mainly. They are a hybrid mix with a conglomerate of other races. On Earth as such, they are not genetically compatible, although contradicting this last with DNA altered surely by the degradation process to the exposure to a lower frequency of the 3D, there are indications that some families of the so-called human elite have DNA of Homo Capensis. *Pictures not supported* This is partly why they believe they own the world since their genetic “bloodline” goes as far back as Sumeria. And there are two main points or populations of Homo Capensis on Earth, the Peru concentration and the Egypt concentration. But they are the same species. Although they are found in other places, such as in the Carpathian Mountains.    If you want to see evidence of extra-terrestrials, is the presence of Homo Capensis on Earth, since it has been proven that the skulls were not enlarged by splinting skulls of babies. If this happened in the region, it was to make their children look like these beings. And also, unborn fetuses were found already with the elongated skull. Although the blind Earth science does not accept anything that does not interest or suit its controllers. Estel·la: This is everything we have for now referring to this topic, we hope it has been of your interest, thank you as always for being here and listening, and see you in the next videos.