GREAT FLOOD AND TIAMAT WARS - **TEXT ONLY / TRANSLATED ORIGINALLY FROM SPANISH** Published 13 August 2021 by ATTACHE, english Interviewer: And during this whole first ancient battle that was going on here on Earth, how did this lead to Tiamat and the outcome of the destruction of the planet? Yazhi: The planet was mostly water. It is known that the Reptilians coming in pursuit of the Lyrians had set up a ghost or decoy station on Tiamat to divert attention. And it worked for them because the Federation attacked that base or signal emulating a large base. This to confuse the Federation into thinking they were there when they were actually on Mars and Earth. The latter is the most accepted explanation. Causing the destabilization of the entire planet Tiamat. This is because, being a planet almost entirely covered with water, the large explosions created shock waves that covered the entire planet. They rebounded against themselves as they went around the planet creating a mass destabilization effect that ended up disintegrating the planet itself. It's like a pendulum effect that keeps gaining more and more energy until it throws off the metronome. At that time, Tiamat had countless aquatic beings, some Sirian based, with advanced intelligence. But no records remain of their culture or their degree of advancement, as everything was destroyed. The word "disaster" comes from "des-astro", or the destruction of a star. Destruction of Tiamat, disaster. Then, before disappearing, dissipating the energy, it caused the planet itself to be torn apart, disintegrating into many pieces that today are the asteroid belt. You can even check that, officially, the composition of most of the asteroid belt is composed of ice or chunks of dirty ice with dirt and rocks attached. Do not pay attention to the movies where everything that is exposed to space freezes in seconds. That's not the way it happens, that's not true. Space, from the point of view of low densities such as 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, is a vacuum and in a vacuum there is no heat transfer, so the temperature of an object remains as such. From the point of view of high densities, space is not a vacuum. It is a fluid, or liquid, high frequency water in the form of potential energy flowing under exactly the same laws that govern fluids. Fluid dynamics. That is why it is said to be water, but it can also be described as potential energy, with internal flows and currents that is gravity. So, since Tiamat was a fairly large sea planet, its water floated through space for some time. It's not clear to me how long, but not long. A few years, maybe decades, at most. Until a lot of that water got trapped by Earth's gravity and Venus' as well a bit later. And it entered both planets like water falling from the sky in torrential quantities, creating the universal deluge spoken of by virtually all cultures with ancient records on Earth. Drowning and destroying almost the entire surface of Earth and Venus, and every civilization therein. This point has never been made clear before. The fact that water maintains its fluidity in space for a long time because of little heat transfer, since it has no way to freeze as such quickly, let alone if it's in large volume. That is, if you pour a bucket of water through the window of your ship, it may remain liquid for a few months before solidifying. On the other hand, if you pour just a few drops, then it may remain liquid for a few days. The more water mass, the longer it will remain liquid. NASA is lying to you by going against the very laws of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics that they themselves claim to observe. So, when so much mass of water enters the planet Earth, it completely changes the delicate geological and energetic dynamics of the planet itself because it is like a dynamo or electromagnetic generator, creating a flux due to the high amount of ferrous magnetic material in the magma. Thus, the rotation is affected, and with the rotation, the dynamics of formation of the magnetosphere because it needs certain rotation or internal currents of a planet to generate its electromagnetism. That is, its rotation and the internal movements of magma in relation to other magma layers inside the Earth are what create a dynamo effect that generates the magnetosphere. Curiously, the same principle of a spacecraft's magnetic counter-rotating turbine. With this change, in addition to the cataclysm caused by the flood, as the energetic dynamics of the planet are affected, it causes a sliding or movement of the poles, creating a reversal of planetary polarities with its subsequent devastating consequences for all life, biology and even for the shape of the land itself, as it is said that a pole reversal also affects the gravity of a planet because it is related. Creating rocks the size of mountains to fly through the skies, quoting here Michael Tsairon with the flying rocks. In my opinion, I think it is possible but not probable in the case of the Earth, since I do not see or have not found geological evidence. But I do think it's possible, maybe not rocks or mountains that big, maybe just the size of buildings or a little more. This ended up wiping out most of the Earth's biology. However, the evidence is consistent and, apparently, even in those cases there were many humans who survived. The exact number is not very clear because some writings speak of only eight females and an impossible to determine number of males. This is known because it can be seen in the mitochondrial DNA, which only the mother transmits, that all human biology comes from eight females. In the case of males, it is more difficult to know, since their DNA is found only in the nucleus of each cell, but the mother's DNA is also there. So, that's what can be found in some of the records. However, I clarify that I have other data that states the same thing, eight women and not knowing how many men. But further back, some 40,000 to 50,000 years concerning the persecution of the Lyrians by the Reptilian factions that hunted them during the great expansion, or Orion Wars, which we are still living through. So we have two sources with the same information, but placing it in different contexts on Earth. Interviewer: And during the destruction of Tiamat, what was happening on the rest of the planets in our Solar System? Yazhi: I have no records. I just know that the Karistus were very much affected as well. With the destruction of Tiamat, the entire Solar System was affected. All the planets, as you would expect. Interviewer: But during this battle that began, did it also start on other planets besides Tiamat? Yazhi: Yes, although Tiamat got the worst of it. Mars, for example, which was its neighbor, was devastated on its surface. All the civilizations there disappeared including a Karistus base. And to this day they did not return. Battles took place between planets and on planets. A war of the entire Solar System, but not as involving the cultures of the planets of the Solar System, but as collateral damage between two strong adversary groups, going all out against each other in the whole area. Interviewer: When did the Maitre arrive on Mars? Yazhi: More recently, after 1300 BC. To say Karistus on Mars is respecting the source of my information, but remembering that saying Karistus is basically like saying Lyrians. It's just that the Karistus appropriate the basis or the creation or origin of the human space races. Interviewer: And going back to the destruction of Tiamat, about the decoy that the Reptilians put out to the Federation, what waves did they emit? How did they manage to fool the Federation? Yazhi: Some authors, like Michel Tsairon, mention it as radio-like frequencies, which made it seem like they were there. In my opinion, and with records from here and taking into account the available technology, it was more like a total holographic emulator that placed a whole fake civilization there. That is, a city or base hologram, with its emanation of Muon transmissions and energy consumption. As in recreational immersion by hologram. Blue Beam plus other transmissions that determine the presence of a base there. Nowadays you could not do the same thing thanks to advances in gravitational sensors of the interferometer type that feed very precise data to a ship's computers. It would simply detect immediately that it is a fake emission or hologram, a decoy. But back then, the technology wasn't that advanced. Interviewer: Like the Moon is doing here now, but projecting onto Tiamat? Yazhi: Uh-huh. Yes, you project a city on the surface. Also, you transmit something that looks like that city is consuming energy and you augment it with communications noise transmissions, like a large city or base would have. And you have your high-tech decoy. Interviewer: And on Earth, how was the flood that caused the destruction of the water planet Tiamat experienced? Yazhi: So, going back to the peoples of the Earth already formed as a mixture of the Adams and the Eves, suddenly they find themselves with a flood coming from those wars because of the destruction of Tiamat. And most of them die there because of so much water entering and flooding everything, especially those who lived underground. And those who could, migrated to the highlands, like the famous Scottish highlands or to the plateaus of South and North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. But with a great psychological trauma as a result, of which many authors who know what I am sharing with you today, such as Michael Tsarion or Jordan Maxwell, among others, speak of, although in truth they are very few. Psychological trauma that is still reflected in the human psyche today. Deep genetic and soul memory that they were there and suffered in unimaginable ways. The almost total destruction, annihilation or extinction of the human race. Leaving few survivors with severe post traumatic stress that many allege is passed on in the DNA to the entire human race, creating the fragmentation of the Self, thereby giving birth to ego, heavy human duality, lack of empathy. I quote here Carl Gustav Jung on the hidden human history, Berlin 1925 in German, book on board this ship. When the Earth was flooded, the inhabitants of the civilization of Atlantis fled the waters to the highlands. Highlands of Scotland and Ireland as in the "Highlander: The Immortal" series. From there comes the name of highlands which, if you look at them, are not very high, not today, but at that time they were, to the degree of being like islands. And it is only at this time that modern civilization began to emanate or emerge. Ireland is the place of the beginning of modern civilization, not China or Africa. From there, they migrated to other points such as Scandinavia and Egypt. That is why the ancient kings of Egypt, not pharaohs, had elongated skulls and red hair like Irish because they were Irish. Look at this map made by me containing the migration of Atlantis and Lemuria. 1. The blue circles represent the most important settlements of the civilization of Atlantis and its movements, both migratory and those caused by the flood. The blue arrow to the white circle with something in the center over what is now Giza is a subsequent movement to this map. The blue circles without arrows denote Atlantis settlements with no recorded route of movement or migration. But I must stress that the Atlantean civilization had aerial, let alone interstellar, capability. As for Lemuria, during or because of the flood, the main movements on record were to Japan, to North America, specifically Mount Shasta, and to Easter Island, Chilean coast, Peruvian coast and southern Mexico towards Oaxaca. Interviewer: If the highlands were Ireland and Scotland, were the lowlands the rest? Yazhi: Yes, and in general in the records of various cultures they were referred to as highlands and lowlands. The highlands being on plateaus the size of continents, today the edges of oceans. I found this map online. 2. It's about what would happen with global warming if the poles melt, but I use it here to illustrate the post-Tiamat flood. This would be what the Earth would look like right after the great flood. 3. In this close-up you can see how Scotland and part of Ireland, where the survivors of the Atlantis populations arrived, were left above the water level. As described in the historical works of Michael Tsairon which supports what I am saying here. Note, here they place continent over the water, from what I understood from the site with those images is because it is a prediction for the future and there they reflect their theories based on the movements of terrestrial plates. Other planets like Erra, for example, are geologically very stable, this in part because without so much water the tectonic plates do not slide as easily or quickly as with water. Because by its very pressure it seeps between the cracks underneath the plates and facilitates their movement. This high-pressure water also has a lot to do with the formation of oil deposits, but that is another story. For reference, Erra today is largely as the Earth was back then before the flood, with no large oceans, just countless seas and lakes of all sizes, and is geologically more stable than Temmer which is a water planet, but therefore has more geological activity. Interviewer: And with all this flood, what happened to the Federation base in Giza? Yazhi: The bases were lost during the flood and what today is called the pre-dynastic Egyptian civilization and then the dynastic or classical Egypt re-emerged there again. And the evidence is in the Sphinx that clearly shows erosion by being submerged in water, unlike the pyramids that are after the flood. Interviewer: Is that why many cities around the world were abandoned, like, for example, Machu Pichu and Tiahuanaco, Atlantean cities? Yazhi: Although I don't have the direct explanation why, it is easy to see that they are gone overnight, if you consider that they have stellar roots and interstellar capability. Something that modern terrestrial scientists will hardly accept. They left because of the very collapse of the Atlantean civilization, as a result of Tiamat's wars against the Federation. Interviewer: And how did the destruction of Tiamat affect Mars? Yazhi: Tiamat's explosion devastated the surface of Mars to this day. Mars today is a desert with patches of green areas with little surface water. And all cluttered with the remains of bases and planetary civilizations scattered all over the planet. Full of junk, ruined buildings and remains of ships and structures everywhere. Today, the bases there are almost exclusively DUMB type facilities underground. For example, Europa, the moon, is a highly forbidden area by the Federation. No one is to disturb the life forming there. The destruction of Tiamat caused the devastation of the surface of Mars, the flooding of the Earth for having attracted with its gravity the waters of Tiamat, the flooding of Venus, also for the same reason. And the rearrangement of the position of the planets of the Solar System with its subsequent catastrophic consequences for all, including polarity shifts and mass extinction of all living things. Interviewer: And on the inner continents, what happened? Hadn't the civilization of Atlantis arrived there? Did the Agarthans already live there? Yazhi: Yes, there was already settlement of intraterrestrial races. But the birth of the Agarthan race specifically occurred when the Lemurians fled the flood to the inner Earth. The best known example of this is the intraterrestrial population of the Mount Shasta region, clearly descended from Lemuria. As for details of other races, it is known that they were there, but not much detail remains. They go down there for a reason, not to be seen, not to be captured, and to hide from races that can be seen as invasive. Whether they carry regressive or positive flags. Away from the eyes of exploration ships from other worlds like Taygeta. And this is precisely the origin of the concept of the eye of Horus. The eye of Horus is a ship in low orbit, it watches and observes from the sky. The spiral line is its trajectory and indicates that it arrived by portal. In the front, the downward tear is a scepter to be held in the hand. It indicates who possesses that ability. The eyebrow is like a wave, indicating that it comes from the waters above, space. That is the eye in the sky and the concept is pre- dynastic Egyptian, Federation. Since then, extraterrestrials of whatever race look down from the sky, they observe like a scientist observes an anthill. But the Illuminati, the Cabal, kidnapped it as a symbol of power over the human population. The symbol does not belong to them. Interviewer: And with all this, when were the Covenant Arks created here? Before or after the battle of Tiamat? I think you said there were three, the Ark of Gabriel, the Ark of Michael or ISIS, and the Ark of the Covenant. Yazhi: Right after that, they are Taygetan. They are multipurpose in themselves: communications, planetary DNA storage with samples of each species, small portals, and weapons of mass destruction, among other things. Yes, there are three arks. One non-functional one is in a vault under the Pentagon, the other functional one is in the Russian Vladivostok base at the South Pole, heavily guarded. The third one is in the Taygetan ship Toleka, under the custody of Alenym de Temmer. Interviewer: Why did Taygeta come to Earth back then? What was their purpose, just to help the Lyrians, i.e. Lemuria? Yazhi: I don't have a fixed purpose, but Taygeta has always been an explorer race that goes everywhere. Also that mentality to liberate peoples, much ingrained in the Taygetan psyche. I don't know a specific reason for Taygeta to have come to Earth at that time. But it does seem to have a major influence on the formation of the rebellion that ended up freeing Adamic slaves and causing war on a planetary scale. And with that, detonating the Federation's arrival here. And the conflict that ended in the destruction of Tiamat, the great flood, the arrival of the artificial Moon and the 3D, Van Allen bands and all that. Interviewer: And last question, what role did the Moon ship play in the battle of Tiamat? Why was it so destroyed? Yazhi: It was one of the Federation and Andromedan sphere ships. Main bases from where Federation ships operated as today the Viera is, which is also Andromedan, only that being smaller, it is arrowhead type and not spherical. During the battle for Tiamat, it was logically a prime strategic target. It took multiple hits from different kinds of weapons, including ionizing nuclear weapons, which made it too difficult to repair and clean up. The cost in lives during all of that was very great as well. As the Moon is large, it is habitable in areas, but always remembering that it is a 100 percent artificial structure. Like layers of onion inside, that is, spherical shell inside another and another until reaching the core where the main reactors are. There are other small ones closer to the surface, but they are no longer useful.