CAN SOMEONE MAKE YOU A MATCH WITH NEGATIVE EVENTS? Published 5 December 2023 by Za'el and Arien - English Za´el: I welcome you and send you great greetings, Za´el here. Today's topic pertains to those starseeds who are forced or pressured to live with people who consume their energy, who do not treat them well, or who drag them into a much more dense and unpleasant frequency or reality. So, this video will probably be of interest to the vast majority of listeners, as this problem has become much more common in recent years due to certain clashes of opinion between the starseeds and, for example, some of their family members. However, I must remind you that I do not have the definitive answer to anything, that every situation is different, and must therefore be judged differently. So, what I will mostly try to focus on is the logical or scientific metaphysical view of what these situations usually mean. To the question of whether someone can drag you into coinciding with negative events, we have, as always, several answers depending on the point of view. If we want to look at it from a more deterministic attitude, we could say that it is possible. Let me explain why. You probably already know that in the universe, in that reality that you perceive, feel, smell, see, touch, everything is frequency. Your vibration and its frequency determine that reality and how it will be generated from it. If your frequency is constantly punished or diminished by the situation around you, either by being in a place where you don't want to be or in the company of people who harm you or put you in danger, or simply by the principle of dominant frequencies, it would be logical and simple to come to the conclusion that, little by little, those dominant frequencies, or those more negative people, would end up dragging you to a frequency in which you would manifest in your day-to-day life an increasingly hard or difficult reality. Thus, moving away gradually from those things that you do want to manifest for yourself. This point of view is valid and very real. I am afraid I cannot tell you otherwise. However, I remind you that it depends on your point of view and your attitude whether or not you will be able to climb out of that pit. Of course, I cannot say that every person who finds himself in such a situation is not a victim, which I know for a fact is a terrible and desolate thing. From a certain angle, it is, you are a victim of such people. But I would also like to remind you that if they're in your life, it is because you manifested them in your life in the first place. But I am not saying this to make the victim of this situation feel guilty, no, no, that's not what I'm getting at. What I am trying to say is that the same power that made them come to you can make them disappear, and that power is yours and yours alone. In the situation where you are already caught in that loop, noticing how your frequency has dropped severely, and you see it reflected in your day-to-day life, you must ask yourself what you can do. What is it in that situation that is under your power to act? You can't change people who, in most cases, will remain exactly the same because that is their base frequency, that is who they are right now. You cannot force the world to see things the way you see them, nor can you force them to act in the way you consider objectively correct, for even the objective, though with very healthy and necessary nuances, can sometimes become subjective as well, for it is the ideas and beliefs of each person that will define and ultimately shape their reality and the workings of their own universe. Therefore, and there being such an abysmal difference between realities, being that it would even border on a debate as to whether you experience the same density, it is entirely logical and to be expected that there will be strong clashes between the two. I am thinking, for example, of those people who firmly believe in Earth science, that their states take care of them, and all those ideologies that make their world completely opposite in basic functioning and logic to how you might see it. And you, for your part, have the same clarity and certainty in what you perceive and can wonder how it is possible that I cannot see the most logical and basic. So, you cannot change people, nor can you force them to perceive your reality. So, what can you do? Well, you could ask yourself, for example, what bothers you most about the situation. Probe, inspect and break down to the tiniest detail why you feel the way you do. Does it affect me that they don't think like me? Is it the way they talk to me, their lack of compassion or consideration for others? Do I feel trapped in a loop where I can't live the way I want to? Do I think it's their fault, or can I really go on living my life, but there's something that makes me uncomfortable and I don't want to have to deal with it? I propose a thought that you will probably be reluctant or lazy to hear. We would all like a comfortable or easy way to do things, to live our lives. No one wants to have to go through uncomfortable and incredibly unfair situations, and it is totally logical that it makes us angry to have to live with such situations. We are not robots, and the feeling or wish that things were fairer can make us feel that way. But when it's a situation involving other people in such an opposite reality, negative people or even regressive people whom you can't change, you're left to wonder if perhaps you're learning something valuable from that situation. Yes, I have already told you it is possible that this thought may cause you rejection because I know that it is something recurrent and, besides. what you want in situations like this is to get out of them and not to think about whether or not you have to learn because you don't see it as necessary. However, although I am one of those who think that this is always the case, that there is always something to learn, that everything happens for a reason, I will propose a much more practical way of thinking. In the end, the result will be the same. Look at it as the solution to your puzzle. Whatever you have to learn, it will help you not only to get out of that situation but also to avoid similar situations in the future, to make you stronger and happier. Face it with determination. You may have to learn to stay away from those people, and if the situation forces you to be close to them, maybe what you need to learn is to face the difficulties, to go on living your life as you are in spite of everything, no matter how annoying it may be. Maybe you should learn to see things with a totally different importance or meaning, even though they are the same problem. Why, if what you want is to change the situation and not resign yourself to it. Right now, you are being spoken to by someone who doesn't like resignation because he knows he doesn't have to. But you should bear in mind something you may have forgotten. What you resist, persists. Sometimes accepting certain things is also a way of fighting to change them, paradoxically, but in reality, what you are fighting for is your happiness in the face of any kind of problem. Today you are surrounded by certain problems, and if after trying your best you can't change them, you have one last powerful trump card: integrate them. You may not have been able to change those problems for now, but you can change how they affect you. Knowing that your frequency will ultimately determine your reality, it is clear what to do: work on your frequency. If they can't get to you, if you struggle to find the positive or challenging meaning in situations, those situations and those people will end up having no power over you. They will not be able to lower that frequency, and therefore the situation will naturally shift to something better. But that is not the goal; it is merely a consequence. The goal is for you to be able to maintain your happiness and a high frequency whatever the circumstances so that they never make you unhappy again. Take it as a challenge and become strong and untouchable, and all this by simply allowing yourself to be as you are and allowing the world to be as it is, even allowing it to not accept or tolerate you. And allow yourself to fail. What matters is not the outcome of whatever you attempt, but your intention and your own honor. Yourself. Accept that this world is not the way you and I would like it to be. It is done to the best of our ability, always keeping an eye on our own health and integrity. But if you are not able to help yourself, you will never help anyone. First, raise that frequency and work on your self-confidence and strength to keep on living in spite of everything and keep on shining brighter if you can. Remember that light burns. Shine brightly but always with the utmost respect. So, can someone make you compatible with negative events? What would your answer be? My answer: Only if you let them. As always, you have the power. Best regards and strength and encouragement to you. I am on your side. Arien: There are situations in which we feel uncomfortable because of circumstances or people with whom we interact. These people or events are perfect examples of triggers that stir up our emotions and our shadows. They make us sad, angry, and even make our negative thoughts turn towards us, making us feel that we are not worth enough, that we are not who or how we are supposed to be. We start from the well-known fact that your reality is created by you, by the circumstances in which you challenge your inner strength, and that consequently make you grow. Before you incarnate, you will be faced with opportunities at some point in your life where you must assume that whatever is happening, or whoever it is that is disturbing your peace, is not going to want to change because they just are. And though it may seem so, they are not there simply to annoy you. Circumstances are specially designed by and for you to trigger a reaction from which you will learn. Sometimes, it may seem that we cannot control everything because we decide so in higher realms, and on many occasions trying to amend or alter an outcome leads you to create the very outcome you resisted in the first place. But this is only an appearance because while it is complicated, you can always do something about it. Just as with fears, the moment you learn to change your attitude, you discover that nothing and no one can bother you. For it is not what the other person can do to you but what you allow into you. It is common for people who are deeply buried in their ideology, their thoughts and actions based on their own self-centeredness, to try to change what they don't like to see of themselves. And you give that person as much power as you see fit. If it affects you, you have two options available to you: keep fighting to make that person see reason or accept that there are life partners who are just passing through, simply to make you see that all you have to do is to change the focus in which you are moving to get to a point where it no longer affects your state of mind. When a situation distresses us in this way, the key is to look within, trying to understand what it is that bothers you about what is happening to you. And often, something to do with what bothers you about yourself. In the Law of Mirrors, everyone manifests for themselves what they carry inside, reflecting it on the outside because, after all, the latter is still the result of our own ideas. It is very likely that with the effort to understand that part of you that hurts you and with the development of a much more positive and constructive chain of thoughts which no longer makes you compatible with that scenario, you will end up freeing yourself from it. I understand that there are times when, despite having changed your mindset, the external factor continues in its line of trying to do evil around you. If you have done well, you may no longer be in its vibration range or it will no longer affect you in the same way it did before your efforts. You will have become a stronger person. However, this external factor is still not transforming in the way you expected it to after you have tried everything from your side and you are still wondering why. You must understand that the Law of Mirrors also works in reverse. What others have inside, what bothers them about you, what they want to change on their side, is a projection of what bothers them about themselves. It is theirs. Don't blame yourself if, in spite of everything, what you expected to see has not happened because the most important transformation has happened inside. Those people or situations will always be there like a still photograph in the ether forming their own frequency bubble, just being, so that other people, if they need to and at the moment their vibration aligns with that situation, can learn what you have already learned from it. Before anything else, we must learn to recognize or locate thought which we feel is beyond our control. Understand that it is there to overcome what we believe to be a limitation and be able to move forward by taking another path. Trying to change these situations can be an extremely hard puzzle, and you could end up hurting yourself. If you finally decide to try, you will have to find the right path for yourself with patience and wisdom. But if a person is hurting you and you have already tried everything in your power, don't try to change them, change your perspective, and it will dissolve for you. It will still be there as it is, but it will no longer affect you. With any other situation, start again from where you are and take advantage of the valuable learning. Choose another way to get to the end, change your approach, and move on. I send you a big hug. Your friend, Arien